Ah, breakfast—the most important meal of the day, or at least that's what you've probably heard from your doctor or mom. Well, no surprise here: I’m in agreement, and I’ll tell you why...
Breakfast is the most commonly skipped meal, whether you're an athlete (or just a regular person) , young or old, large or small. The usual excuses range from “I don’t have time” and “I’m in a rush and can’t sit down” to “I’m just not hungry,” and everything in between. Before I jump on my breakfast soapbox, let me just say, I hear you. This is a challenging time of day with so many pressing demands—work, school, and errands all waiting to be tended to. That said, I’ve seen even the most scattered athletes turn things around and establish a wholesome and quick breakfast routine, and the difference they notice is significant. Let me lay out some breakfast benefits and help make your morning routine just a few bites better.
Breakfast Considerations
Athletes who skip breakfast rarely make up for it throughout the day. In one study of active men, skipping breakfast before exercise resulted in a more negative 24-hour energy balance compared to eating breakfast. On average, athletes ended the day down 400 kcal. Prolonged time in an energy deficit can negatively impact hormone balance, delay recovery, and impair morning workout sessions.
Consuming breakfast has also been shown to improve mood—something many of us could use in the morning! In one study of active women, a small cereal-based breakfast before exercise improved post-exercise mood, reduced fatigue, and enhanced appetite control. While there was a slight impairment in working memory and increased mental fatigue later in the day, these results are not surprising given the suboptimal timing and composition of the meals.
Skipping breakfast also means missing a key opportunity to get in more fruits and veggies. Only 9% of Americans eat enough vegetables, and just 11% get enough fruit—that’s low! Missing breakfast likely hinders our ability to hit those targets and doesn’t help with whole grain or dairy intake either.
Breakfast eaters are less likely to overeat in the evening. When we restrict ourselves in the morning, the pendulum often swings back the other way later in the day. Evening overeating typically involves less nutritious options—desserts, alcohol, and other “fun” foods. While there’s nothing wrong with these foods, skipping breakfast can lead to a loss of control in the evening as our bodies push to regain energy balance.
Below are a few online resources and ideas for quick, cheap, and easy-to-eat breakfasts that include a carb, protein, and some color!
Breakfast Ideas
Overnight oats w/ Greek yogurt and nuts
Scrambled egg cups + fruit
PB Toast w/ Milk and a banana
Whole grain cereal + berries and Fairlife milk
Greek yogurt + chia seed, frozen berries and granola
x2 hard boiled eggs + granola bar and a kiwi
Microwave Kodiak Pancake mix + fruit and syrup
Other Web Resources
Are you one of those never breakfasters? Wondering if this could help move the needle for you? Click here to book a free call now and lets chat about it!